In partnership with the School of Dentistry, we train professionals who can succeed in a range of occupational fields.
The School of Oral Health Sciences offers extensive clinical education in cooperation with the School of Dentistry to train dental hygienists to provide the best oral health care to patients as they pass through the various stages of life. The broad knowledge that our students acquire through their studies gives us confidence that they will succeed in wherever, they wish to work, including long-term care facilities, universities and research institutions, dentistry-related companies, and governmental agencies, as well as in dental clinics and dentistry departments at hospitals.
Dental care institutions are required to treat a variety of patients, ranging from infants to the elderly. The School of Oral Health Sciences provides extensive clinical education in cooperation with the School of Dentistry to train dental hygienists to provide the best oral health care to patients as they pass through the various stages of life. The curriculum includes practice-oriented program for dental hygienists in specialized fields and for the provision of dental care based on cooperation among different occupations. The practice-oriented program helps students prepare for work in advanced dental care, oral function rehabilitation, and other specialized fields. With this well-designed curriculum, students can acquire knowledge and techniques in oral health. The curriculum also offers classes for the Class 1 Health Officer qualification test.
Our first graduates left to pursue their careers in March 2014. The broad knowledge they acquired gives us confidence that they will play active roles in a variety of institutions, including long-term care facilities, universities and research institutions, dentistry-related companies, and governmental agencies, as well as in dental clinics and dentistry departments at hospitals.